Back Pain
80% of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.
Moreover, it is estimated that lower back pain affects more than half of the adult population every year and that over 10% of all people experience frequent bouts of lower back pain throughout the course of their lives.

Back Pain
80% of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.
Moreover, it is estimated that lower back pain affects more than half of the adult population every year and that over 10% of all people experience frequent bouts of lower back pain throughout the course of their lives.

Back pain can be painful, debilitating and persistent, and some people suffer repeated episodes. It can also be associated with other symptoms, such as leg pain or sciatica.
It may start following a specific incident, such as bending awkwardly or lifting a heavy weight. Or it can develop gradually, perhaps as a result of poor posture, an uncomfortable work position or repetitive strain.
Fortunately, as long as your lower back is functioning correctly, it can withstand tremendous forces without sustaining any injury. However, if your lower back is out of adjustment or has weakened supporting muscles, simple daily tasks can exacerbate or instigate injury.
“Chiropractic care is very effective at treating the root cause of Back Pain.”
It used to be commonly thought that back pain would naturally resolve itself over time.
However, more recent studies have discovered that if left untreated, while the pain may temporarily subside the underlying cause will eventually resurface, and potentially with increased symptoms and pain.
Our experienced chiropractors and therapists provide you with a comprehensive approach to promoting and maintaining your overall health and wellness.
Our approach means we tackle all aspects of your condition, utilising state-of-the-art X-Ray facilities, neurological and orthopaedic tests and postural analysis to diagnose the root cause of your back pain.
Together with soft tissue and rehab therapists, our chiropractors create the most effective treatment plan for you. We then continually measure your progress with regular review appointments, ensuring your optimum recovery.
Why do people get back pain?
People experience back-related pain for all sorts of reasons. It might be due to poor posture when sitting or standing, or because their work or lifestyle causes stress and strain on their back.
Worry or stress can also cause some tension in the back muscles, or can delay recovery of existing back pain. Sometimes an old injury, or wear and tear over time, might also cause problems.
However, there is often no obvious reason why this kind of pain develops.
Although it can be very painful, back pain rarely has a serious underlying cause. Seeing a qualified health professional, such as a chiropractor who is experienced in diagnosing conditions of the back and spine, can help treat back pain.
Symptoms of back pain
Back pain can be very uncomfortable, this is mainly due to the tissues and structures of the back being very susceptible to pain.
The pain can be felt on one or both sides of the back, sometimes between the shoulder blades or from waist level and into the buttocks and down the front or back of the legs. The pain can be a sharp or dull aching and can spread into the lower legs and sometimes as far as the feet.
If the pain does not go away after a few days, or starts to get worse, it is worth seeking professional advice. Early diagnosis and treatment will help you get better faster and stop things from worsening.
Correct diagnosis through X-Rays
Instant results from X-Rays mean we can start to provide you with the appropriate care as soon as possible.
In addition to a through examination, the chiropractor may advise you tho have a series of X-rays in order to fully understand your condition and achieve faster and better results with care.